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Simple Tax Return  - $150

Our simple tax return is for first year tax return lodgers, and those with income under $18,200. This does not include Sole Trader Business Schedules and Investment Returns


PAYG Tax Returns  - from $170

PAYG Tax Return. Our tax return appointments identify all available deductions based on your industry and occupation.


  • WFH PAYG Tax Return

WFH Calculations for both methods - Additional $25.00 Charge

  • Motor Vehicle PAYG Tax Return

Set Rate and Logbook Calculations - Additional $25.00 Charge


Sole Trader Tax Return - $300

Sole Trader Tax Return. Our tax return appointments identify all available deductions based on your business industry. Tax Return also includes any PAYG income and deductions.


Additional Charges:

GST Registered Business - $100

Bookkeeping - From $100


Investor Tax Return Property or Managed Funds - $300

Investor Tax Return - Property or Managed Funds.

Managed Funds can be Australian or Overseas

Our tax return appointments identify all available deductions for your investments.

Tax Return also includes any PAYG income and deductions.


Additional Charges:

Additional Property - $50 per property

Capital Gains Calculations,  Property - $100

Capital Gains Calculations, Shares - $25 per sale


Cryptocurrency Tax Return - from $300

Cryptocurrency Tax Returns pricing is based on your transactions.

Up to 100 transactions are $300. 

Price available upon request for transactions exceeding 100

Our tax return appointments identify all available deductions for your investments

Tax Return also includes any PAYG income and deductions

Individual Tax Return Pricing


PH: 1300 487 589

Gold Coast: Unit 8/46-50 Spencer Road, Nerang QLD 4211

Newcastle: 13-15 The Boulevarde, Toronto NSW 2283

P: PO Box 572 Nerang, Qld, 4211



©  Tax Invest Accounting Pty Ltd 2025 - Liability Limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

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